
1. Main output directories

    │──── WildType
    │       └──── PBDID
    │                ├──── 1.MolecularDynamics
    │                └──── 2.CalculateEnergy
    ├──── MutationType
    │       ├──── Mutation1
    │       │       ├──── 1.MakeMode1
    │       │       ├──── 2.Align
    │       │       ├──── 3.MolecularDynamics
    │       │       └──── 4.CalculateEnergy
    │       …
    │       └──── MutationN
    │       ├──── 1.MakeMode1
    │       ├──── 2.Align
    │       ├──── 3.MolecularDynamics
    │       └──── 4.CalculateEnergy
    ├──── Result
    │       ├──── 1.Binding_Energy
    │       │       ├──── 1.Spike_ACE2_BindingEnergy.txt
    │       │       ├──── 1.Spike_AntibodyHeavyChain_BindingEnergy.txt
    │       │       └──── 1.Spike_AntibodyLightChain_BindingEnergy.txt
    │       ├──── 2.Binding_Energy_Contribution
    │       │       ├──── 2.Spike_ACE2_BindingEnergy_Contribution.txt
    │       │       ├──── 2.Spike_Heavy_BindingEnergy_Contribution.txt
    │       │       └──── 2.Spike_Light_BindingEnergy_Contribution.t
    │       ├──── 3.Root_Mean_Square_Deviation
    │       │       └──── 3.rmsd.txt
    │       ├──── 4.Root_Mean_Square_Fluctuation
    │       │       └──── 4.rmsf.txt
    │       ├──── 5.Solvent_Accessible_Surface
    │       │       └──── 5.SASA.txt
    │       ├──── 6.Radius_of_Gyration
    │       │       └──── 6.RG.txt
    │       └──── 7.Hydrogen_Bonds
    │       └──── 7.HB.txt
    └──── MutCov.log

2. The result files

2.1 Spike_Receptor_BindingEnergy.txt:

    he binding energy between ACE2 and its receptor (ACE2, heavy chain of antibody, or light chain of antibody ). It is a text file with a header line, and then one line per mutation with the following 8 fields:
    • MutationName: The mutation ID
    • van der Waal energy: The van der Waal energy between spike and its receptor.
    • Electrostattic energy: The electrostatic energy between spike and its receptor.
    • Polar solvation energy: The polar solvation energy between spike and its receptor.
    • SASA energy: The solvent accessible surface area energy between spike and its receptor.
    • Binding energy: The binding energy between spike and its receptor, including van der Waal energy, electrostatic energy, Polar solvation energy and SASA energy.
    • P-value: The p value of Wilcoxon rank-sum statistic for the binding energy change between wild-type and mutation.
    • FDR: Adjust p-value using Benjamini and Hochberg method

2.2 Spike_Receptor_BindingEnergy_Contribution.txt:

    The contribution of per-residue to the total binding energy between ACE2 and its receptor (ACE2, heavy chain of antibody, or light chain of antibody ). It is a text file with a header line, and then one line per amino acid residue with the following fields:
    • Protein: The protein of amino acid residue
    • Pos: The position of amino acid residue
    • WildType: The contribution of this amino acid residue to the total binding energy in wild-type S protein.
    • Mutation1: The contribution of this amino acid residue to the total binding energy in Mutation1-S protein.
    • MutationN: The contribution of this amino acid residue to the total binding energy in MutationN-S protein.

2.3 RMSD.txt:

    The root mean square deviation (RMSD) of S protein complexes with its receptors. RMSD describes the molecule’s overall discrepancy with respect to some reference at a specific time. It is a text file with a header line, and then one line per time point with the following fields:
    • Time(ns): The time points of molecular dynamics simulations.
    • Mutation1: The RMSD of Mutation1-S protein complexes with its receptors
    • MutationN: The RMSD of MutationN-S protein complexes with its receptors.

2.4 RMSF.txt:

    •The root mean square fluctuation (RMSF) of S protein complexes with its receptors. RMSF describes the atom’s variation over the whole trajectory. It is a text file with a header line, and then one line per time point with the following fields:
    • Time(ns): The time points of molecular dynamics simulations.
    • Mutation1: The RMSF of Mutation1-S protein complexes with its receptors
    • MutationN: The RMSF of MutationN-S protein complexes with its receptors.

2.5 SASA.txt:

    The solvent accessible surface area(SASA) of S protein complexes with its receptors. SASA is the surface area of the complexes that is accessible to a solvent. It is a text file with a header line, and then one line per time point with the following fields:
    • Time(ps): The time points of molecular dynamics simulations.
    • Mutation1: The SASAF of Mutation1-S protein complexes with its receptors
    • MutationN: The SASA of MutationN-S protein complexes with its receptors.

2.6 RG.txt:

    The radius of gyration(RG) of S protein complexes with its receptors. It is a text file with a header line, and then one line per time point with the following fields:
    • Time(ps): The time points of molecular dynamics simulations.
    • Mutation1: The RG of Mutation1-S protein complexes with its receptors
    • MutationN: The RG of MutationN-S protein complexes with its receptors.

2.7 HB.txt: :

    The number of hydrogen bonds (HB) between S protein complexes and its receptors. It is a text file with a header line, and then one line per time point with the following fields:
    • Time(ns): The time points of molecular dynamics simulations.
    • Mutation1: The number of hydrogen bonds between Mutation1-S protein complexes and its receptors
    • MutationN: The number of hydrogen bonds between MutationN-S protein complexes and its receptors